Adding some other fields in sharepoint 2013 fba pack membership request form


If you please,
i want examples about : < how to add New Field to the MemberShip Request WebPart ? >,

i read your Post above but i don't understand really how to add it.

Thank you
Sorry, I don't really have any specific examples. Are you a developer? Because this is something that really needs to be done by a developer. It's not something configurable that can be done in a few minutes - a lot of code has to be changed. The best way to learn to do it would probably be to download the source code:
And then search the source code for "email" - and then follow the patterns in the code that were used to input/save the email address to add your new field.

If you need some customization done to the FBA Pack, we do provide that. See here:
The hours included with the support plan would definitely cover adding "Work Phone" to the membership request.
Hello Chris,

Can I redirect the user to my own page immediately after successfull registration so that he doesn't see the page with the success url first ?
I have set the "Finish Destination Page Url" but the user still has to click on Continue Button to get this page instead of going directly to my custom page.

Sorry, but the user does still have to click the Continue button to get to this page. It uses ASP.Net's CreateUserWizard control, and is just following the default workflow for it.
ok, thanks for your quick response anyway.
I disabled Review Membership and enabled auto login.
How can I prevent the user from getting the e-mail with his username and password.
I only want to send an e-mail on change password or on forget password. Is this possible ?

Upon registration we don't ask the user for his firstname and lastname, but redirect him to a web part form that we created and which stores his profile information in our CRM. It is there that the user fill in their name. Can you please guide me how to set the Display Name and e-mailaddress in Sharepoint for the FBA? to grab the e-mail address from the fba I use SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.Email but I didn't find how to change it.

Many Thanks!
You can't prevent the email from going out. You can change the contents of it though in FBA Site Configuration, so that it doesn't include the password.

As for updating the display name and email address - check the fba user management edit user page in the code, it has all the code to do that.

I imported the Utils class in my own webpart.

I tried with this code but got an error

string userName = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName;
            MembershipUser user = Utils.BaseMembershipProvider().GetUser(userName, false);
            user.Email = emailaddress.Text;

But it throws the error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object

i also didn't find the property for the Name to change it.

Do you know what I missing here. thanks for your help
I'm not sure - that looks okay. It could possibly be null if there's no fba membership provider configured for the web application you're running on. I'd suggest debugging it and stepping through - then you can see exactly where the problem is.