First, thanks so much for this solution package. It really is awesome! I do have a problem though and am hoping you can help.
I get this error when trying clicking on FBA User Management and FBA Role Management.
A Membership Provider has not been configured correctly. Check the web.config setttings for this web application.
This error only occurs when I use my default web application that is using Claims NTLM for the site. The extended application uses FBA and these links work correctly there. I can add and modify users successfully with the extended
I saw on a previous discussion that this issue was fixed (that the program would search for any other apps using FBA) but I tried anyway to enable FBA on the default app to test if it would work but it didn't. Any ideas?
Even though you don't enable claims FBA on sharepoint, it still has to be able to find the membership provider in the web config. So you'll still have to create the membershipprovider and roleprovider entries in the extended web.config.
One thing I like to do is create the membershipprovider and roleprovider entries in the machine.config - then you only have to do it once, and it's available to all web applications.
I did try adding it to the default and that didn't work (it was already added in the extended app).
I may try to add to machine.config as well. Right now, we deployed on production and it's not working so we're trying to figure that out first. Obviously it's something with our setup since it worked (for the most part) on our test server.
I will update this post if and when I try it. Thanks!