Reset password on login page before user authenticates

Scenario is just like this, User has forgot his password and unable to login, so what i have to do is that i hv already custom login page with all neccessary code of authenticating user and authorised user wl directly go inside home page. now i hv to give Password reset link on this custom login page and after clicking on this link it should redirect to Password Recovery Application page and on this page i hv to use Password Recovery Web part which is in FBA pack. for this i hv use following code
<%@ Register TagPrefix="FBA" Namespace="Visigo.Sharepoint.FormsBasedAuthentication"
    Assembly="Visigo.Sharepoint.FormsBasedAuthentication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9dba9f460226d31d" %>


<FBA:PasswordRecoveryWebPart runat="server"  />
so why there is a need to give access to this application page and permission management all those things as simply i hv to redirect the user to this application page.
one more thing, i hv putted this PasswordRecovery.aspx page inside SharePoint Mapped Folder i.e. _layout and my CustomLogin.aspx page is also present in this folder.

Kindly help me why m unable to redirect or what m exactly missing over here. what is the proper solution to resolve this issue.
Sorry - I had it in my head you were getting redirected to the login page after logging in.

If you're getting redirected to the login page after redirecting to the Application Page with only the PasswordRecoveryWebPart on it, then there's an issue with that application page. You have to make sure that it inherit's from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase and overridding AllowAnonymousAccess and AllowSecureWeb:
//override the allow anonymous property to true
        protected override bool AllowAnonymousAccess
                return true;
        protected override bool AllowNullWeb
                return true;
(See above for the full code)

Once this page is created, you should be able to type in it's url and access it at any time, whether you're logged in or not.

If you still have issues, you've likely included some element on the page that requires permissions to access (image, image displayed by master page....). Make sure your master page is set to simple.master (just like the login page). Other master pages includes elements that you have to have permissions to access.
I have already used the same code in my project(for PasswordRecovery.aspx.cs and PasswordRecovery.cs) as you have written above.
previously at @Page attribute, there is DynamicMasterPageFile = "~masterurl/default.master" now instead i set MasterPageFile = "~/_layouts/simple.master" still same issue.
here my CustomLogin Page is inherited from System.Web.UI.Page and m using element(image) which need permission on CustomLogin page only not inside PasswordRecovery.aspx. also m not using any master page at CustomLogin page and PasswordRecovery page.
for redirection i hv used simple code i.e. Response.Redirect("~/_layouts/PasswordRecoveryWebPart/PasswordRecovery.aspx") on Link button click event.
only these things i have used in my project nothing else, still m facing the same problem of redirection. m totally confused why this is happening so
kindly help me what should be actual problem and what extra things i should used here to ovecome the problem
If you're using the above code and inheriting from UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase, it sounds like you're doing everything right - so off the top of my head i'm not sure what would be causing it to redirect to the login page.

You may be interested in our support plan ( - we could have a call and I could take a look at your environment and code over TeamViewer to help you get this resolved.