Xlst dummy

not very good with xslt...I cant seem to get the syntax correct for:

            <xsl:text>Your temporary password should be changed to something easier to remember by logging onto the </xsl:text>

                    <xsl:attribute name="href">
                        <xsl:value-of select="http://extranet.scmedical.org" />
                    <xsl:text>SCMA Extranet Home Page</xsl:text>

            <xsl:text> using your user name and temporary password.</xsl:text>

the effect is that the user is deleted from the sql db...I am assuming due to this ???

It looks like you're hardcoding the values, instead of using xslt to pull out any of the passed in values.  So in that case, you can just write that portion as html:


<p>Your temporary password should be changed to something easier to remember by logging onto the

                <a href="http://extranet.scmedical.org">
                    SCMA Extranet Home Page

             using your user name and temporary password.