Accent characters in the user name


I'm able to add a user with a lot of accent characters.

User Name - Email Address - Full Name
åäöÅÄÖüÜ - - åäöÅÄÖüÜ

When I click to edit I get "user not found"

I have a test environment with the same SharePoint (2010 + SP1 + some hotfixes).

It works fine having a FBA user with the same accent characters!

I'm able to login as åäöÅÄÖüÜ on both SharePoint servers.

Best regards,
Bengt Nilsson, Staffanstorp, Sweden
It is the same old problem as in this thread:
The collation for the databases at the SQL servers
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (user not found) the customer site.
Finnish_Swedish_CI_AS (working) my own test site.
I just tried creating a user on my side, copying the username and name from your post. That worked fine. Clicking edit on the user also brought up the edit page and I was able to edit and resave the user. As I mentioned in my earlier post, my aspnetdb database uses a SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation.

You may want to try running SQL Server profiler - that may give you an idea as to where the issue is occurring (ie is the wrong username being passed to the db? Is the right username being passed and the db isn't retrieving it?)
The trace in SQL Server Profiler shows that the SQL get the wrong name.

It get åäöÅÄÖüà instead of åäöÅÄÖüÜ

Who is responsible for this? SharePoint 2010? Internet Explorer?

When i click on the user Testing2 it worked fine (and SQL got the correct name).

exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName @ApplicationName=N'/',@UserName=N'åäöÅÄÖüÜ',@UpdateLastActivity=0,@CurrentTimeUtc='2013-05-13 09:47:01.470'

exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName @ApplicationName=N'/',@UserName=N'Testing2',@UpdateLastActivity=0,@CurrentTimeUtc='2013-05-13 09:47:37.047'
SQL get the correct name on my own test server:

exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName @ApplicationName=N'/',@UserName=N'åäöÅÄÖüÜ',@UpdateLastActivity=0,@CurrentTimeUtc='2013-05-13 09:58:59.910'
Since the database is receiving the wrong name, it's definitely as issue on the server or the browser.

For the most part it seems to work on my side - I can create and edit users. I did manage to reproduce it in a certain circumstance:
Add the User
Edit the User
Click 'Delete'
Click Cancel -> Get the error.

In this case it has to do with the username being urlencoded - It appears to not do it properly. Since it sounds like you get it in a lot more places, it may be a separate issue for you, but i'll raise an issue for this to fix the urlencoding in a future version. The issue is here: