Admin reset user's password

Any way for an admin account to reset a user's password? The edit user control doesn't show anything to do with the password or security questions. I have read on here that it's not possible to change the security question once it's created. I'm not using those anyways. But since there's a webpart for the user to change their own password, it should be possible for an admin to be able to change a user's password. Any clue how to do this? Is there something I can edit somewhere to do this or must I code? If it's code, how do I get started? I know a little, but I've never worked on Sharepoint 2010 before.

There is a "Reset Password" button on the Edit User screen, however the membership provider in your web.configs need to be configured to allow this. You need to add 


to the membership provider for the button to show up.

Even after adding enablePasswordReset="true" to the membership provider in my web.configs I don't get an additional button. Do I need to do anything else? I tried adding enablePasswordRetrieval="true" as well but that gave me a runtime error until I set it to false or removed it. The site is fully functional with both AD and forms users, I just don't have the reset password button.

I'll be more specific. I'm going into FBA User Management and then editing a user. The breadcrumbs look like: Site Settings : Manage Forms Based Authentication Users : Edit Forms Based Authentication User

I'm using the most recent release, 1.2.0

Thanks for any help you can give me,


You're on the right page. The only other reason it wouldn't be visible is if you have the RequiresQuestionAndAnswer turned on in your membership provider, which you mentioned you didn't. You do have to make sure that the EnablePasswordReset is set in the membership provider in all of your web configs:

Your web app

Any "extended" web app

Central Admin

Security Token Service


The button is located beside the Save and Cancel buttons. You can see it in the Edit User Page image on this page:

requiresQuestionAndAnswer did it. I did not have it set in my web.config but once I set it to "false" then I got the button. It must have defaulted to true somewhere. Thanks for the help!

Any way to control what the Password Reset email says? Once I tried this out, the email I received simply said "Your new password is:" followed by a bunch of impossible to remember characters for a human. I'd like to dress that up a little and maybe include a link to the page I setup for people to change their password, and maybe even say in the email "This is a temporary password, change it after you're logged in at this page" I see the Password Recovery xslt, but not Password Reset.

Thanks for such a great tool, I don't know what I'd do without it.


Unfortunately there's currently no built in way to configure the password reset email - there's only xslt's for the password recovery web part and membership request web part. Please add this request in the issue tracker and i'll consider it for a future version.  

You can still potentially change it though without changing any of the code. All of the FBA Pack's strings, including the email message and subject are stored in resource files. You can edit FBAPackWebPages.resx in ResourcesAppGlobal to edit the strings. The keys for the strings are:

Okay, I've been chasing this for a little while now and I found something. If I open FBAPackWebPAges.resx from wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\App_globalResources\ The contents of the Password Reset email are in "ResetPasswordBody". I've edited that and put multiline text into it, but the problem is it all ends up run together on one line. No carriage return / line feeds at all. Maybe I should make a new thread about this though, since I've gone rather far from my original topic.


EDIT: Oh wow, this must have just been a stale page. I didn't see your reply until after I posted mine. I'll see if I can add this to the tracker because it would be a really nice feature to have.

Editing with a text editor like notepad should recognize your carriage returns within the resource file. If not, you can try using:

for a carriage return. You can also try:
