Config Error - Ressourceobject with the Key "SiteConfig_Title" is missing

Hi there,

i'm trying to set up the FBA Pack for a SharePoint 2013 SP1 Server (in non-english).

The FB Authentication is already set up and running. When i'm trying to open one of the links via site settings (e.g. "FBA Site Configuration", "FBA User Management" or "FBA Role Management") i'm getting an error which tells me that an ressourceobject key is missing.

Did i'd missed something or can i fix it?

Following ressource-keys are missing (at first glance):

FBA Site Configuration:
  • "SiteConfig_Title"
FBA User Management
  • "UserMgmt_Title"
FBA Role Management
  • "RolesMgmt_Title"
Any help is appreciated.

ok i got it. resx-Files we're missing at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\%Webapp-Directory%\App_GlobalResources

Copied them into it and now it seems to work!
Just an FYI for this problem in the future - usually the issue is that the solution has not been deployed to that web application. This can be done from Central Admin: Manage Farm Solutions.
yep. that was the root of the problem.

thx for the feedback