I would like to know the possibility for configuring email text at site level. Currently my registration form page exist in (sitecollection/site/registration.aspx) so when someone registers he receives pending email text what I have configured in sitecollection/site/_layouts/FBA/Management/FBASiteConfiguration.aspx
page but when when I approve the user from membership review list it sends the approval email text that was set in sitecollection/_layouts/FBA/Management/FBASiteConfiguration.aspx but in this case I would like to use email text configured at sitecollection/site/_layouts/FBA/Management/FBASiteConfiguration.aspx
page. I know that membershipreviewlist exist at the site collection level but I would to know if there is any such possibilitiy.
I would like to take the opportunity to thanks you for your earliers replies which are useful and helped me to solve the issues.
I would like to take the opportunity to thanks you for your earliers replies which are useful and helped me to solve the issues.