Two-factor Authentication with SharePoint 2019 FBA

Hi All,

How do we enable Two-factor authentication in the SharePointFBAPack in SharePoint 2019?
The idea is as follows:

  1. User signs in by entering credentials.
  2. Then system will generate an OTP and send via e-mail and go to OTP page.
  3. User keys in correct OTP and will be signed in to site.

Can we achieve this functionality? Please advise


It can be done with custom development, but this functionality isn’t built into the FBA Pack. If you’re interested in getting a quote for this custom development, please contact us here:
Thank you!

Noted this.

Another question, once we have deployed the FBA Pack, can we make modifications on its functions? how do we access the source code?

Yes, you can just redeploy the rebuilt version of the FBA Pack. Source code is here:

Hi There :wave:,

I am also facing this issue and have tried some of the suggested replies;, but none of them seem to work for me either. Any further advice would be appreciated…